I sensed a lack of effort throughout the entire movie. Not because of it's briefness. It just was not smart comedy. This has been played put many times before.
note: I think the author is a closet racist. If you hate blacks ask yourself this question: What is worst a black person? Or a p*ssy who shows his hate to a certain group of people "behind their backs" because I highly doubt the author has ever had the balls to confront a black person in their face. I would tell the author to quit making cheap shots and expressing your hate throught the internet and go confront a black person face to face. Stop being such a p*ssy!!!
Also, I have noticed that Newgrounds will feature a submission on the frontpage if it deals with a current event, no matter how crappy or unfunny the entry is. This is not good IMO.
As for the poeple who say things like "this is genius" about this entry. I do not really think you mean it. You just agree with his racist views